Creative Media Production
2024 - 2025

Commencing September 2025, our exciting multimedia course is your first step to a career in the creative industries. Build your skillset and develop a portfolio of Creative work. Learner projects include film, photography, graphic design, podcasting and so much more. The QQI level 4 awarded on completion, provides excellent progression to further education.

To register today & for more information follow the link to “This course is an excellent grounding in creative media production and an excellent progression route to further education. Year on year our students attain their best possible outcomes’ ‘, says Gareth Hanlon the course Coordinator.

Practical all the way. Your first video creation happens shortly after commencing the course. Filmmaking, photography, music and podcasting workshops are peppered throughout the programme. Learners can also expect a number of road trips to exhibitions, film festivals and college open days. Our learner centered team at YIFM work with each learner individually to define personal projects including video, audio, photography and design. Learner collaboration is an integral part of the course. It’s like a creative family scenario, “we even have a wellbeing officer on the team” to ensure learners have their best experience.

Every September, 20 creative people aged 16+ join the Kilkenny City based course for 40 weeks of learning through practical creative projects involving community groups, local festivals and even working with local businesses to create social media content as part of their work experience module.

“Learners commit to build a significant portfolio, and a solid foundation in the Adobe Creative Suite”, explains Gareth. Feedback from former students is excellent, for example, this message was sent to the staff upon completion of the course “Thank you all so much guys the best year I’ve ever had”.


  • You must be over 16 yrs (and up to 35 yrs).
  • QQI Level 3 or equivalent
  • B1 English required

PAYMENTS:  Students generally receive a payment for attending the course. You will need to be signed on to Intreo, on Disability payment or be an early school leaver to qualify.   There is also assistance with travel costs where appropriate.

Places are filling up fast. Click the link to REGISTER NOW .

Contact the course coordinator Gareth Hanlon on or call 05677 64677 for further information.

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